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Tropea Chiropractic Inc

Why Opt For Chiropractic Treatment For Herniated Disc

Why Opt For Chiropractic Treatment For Herniated Disc

Vertebral discs are a small but vital part of your spine that can cause problems and pain if injured. A herniated vertebral disc can also lead to pain and decreased mobility and can occur at any time. To treat pain before committing to surgery or treating the condition solely with pain medication, consider the incredible benefits of herniated disc chiropractic care and spinal manipulations. 

If you are experiencing discomfort from a bulging disc, an experienced chiropractor can help you heal without surgery. Chiropractic treatment is a non-surgical way to treat and recover from a painful herniated disc. It is an excellent option for those looking for less invasive options to fix their herniated disc and relieve back.

What Is A Herniated Disc?

Intervertebral discs are located between each vertebra of the spine, except for the first two in the neck (C1 and C2). They act as shock absorbers and facilitate spinal flexibility. A herniated disc occurs when the tough outer layer (annulus fibrosus) cracks, allowing the soft inner material (nucleus pulposus) to protrude and irritate nearby nerves, leading to pain, numbness, and tingling. A bulging disc happens when the outer layer weakens or is injured, causing it to protrude abnormally.

Symptoms Of A Herniated Disc

A herniated or bulging disc can occur instantly due to an injury or improper movement, but it is more common for discs to herniate slowly and cause pain that builds over time. The symptoms become more noticeable and unbearable when people seek treatment.

Some common symptoms of a herniated or bulging disc are- 

  • Tingling in the legs
  • Difficulty moving or stretching
  • Changes in bladder function
  • Radiating pain in limbs
  • Pain when moving the neck
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness in extremities
  • Sciatica
  • Low Back Pain

Symptoms depend on where the disc is along the spine. If you’re suffering from back problems or discomfort in a place that has caused radiating pain or numbness and tingling, your condition may be related to a herniated or bulging disc. 

Why Does it Happen?

There are several causes for herniated discs. It could be injuries, improper movement, poor posture, or too much stress due to weight. Injury or weakness can cause the inner part of the vertebral disc to push through and hang out through the outer ring.

While a sudden movement that causes an injury contributes to a herniated disc, the condition develops gradually over time as multiple stressors accumulate. Conditions like inflammation, numbness, nerve pain, and other symptoms worsen the condition. 

Treatment Options


Surgery is the most common treatment that people opt for treating a herniated disc. It is an invasive procedure that may not produce the best results.

Discectomy is commonly used to fix a herniated disc and remove pressure on nerves that causes pain and other nerve symptoms. The process involves removing the part of the disc causing pressure on the nerve root, or sometimes, the entire disc may be removed. Another surgery option is spinal fusion, where two or more vertebrae are joined. While there are benefits of surgery to treat a more severe herniated disc, for most people, Chiropractic care is an effective option to try before considering having surgery. 

Chiropractic Care & Treatments

With chiropractic treatment for herniated discs, you can get the following benefits-

  • Reduced Pain
  • Non-Invasive
  • Professional Help
  • Improved Mobility
  • Drug-Free Treatment
  • Likely Covered By Insurance
Spinal Decompression Technique – 

This chiropractic treatment, also called flexion-distraction, is done on a table. It involves stretching the spine and back while stimulating the vertebral disc. While the spine is stretched out, the disc can be manipulated back into place or away from the nerve. 

Shifting the disc away from the nerve ensures that inflammation and pain are eliminated, which helps with feelings of numbness, irritation, and sciatica.

Pelvic Blocking Technique – 

The patient lies on a table with a cushioned wedge under the pelvis. The wedge alters posture and temporarily relieves pressure on the spine and discs, reducing pain and inflammation and improving nerve function.

There are also other treatment options, such as:

  • Cold Laser Therapy
  • VibraFlex Technology
  • Electric Stimulation

The bottom line

Herniated disc chiropractic techniques are extremely safe and effective. To eliminate your pain and find relief, contact Tropea Chiropractic Inc. Make an appointment with our experts today for a free consultation. We offer several treatment options for herniated and bulging discs and can help you recover fast from your injury. 


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