tony tropea

Tropea Chiropractic Inc

Should you see a chiropractor for sports injury

chiropractic treatment sunnyvale

Whether you have joined a neighborhood pickleball team or a seasoned athlete, sports injuries have a universal certainty. Different sports injuries may sideline you. However, the most common one is a sprained ankle. It can vary based on severity, but they are naturally treatable by chiropractic treatment.

If you don’t know how to identify this type of sports injury when it happens and how to treat it safely, look for a professional chiropractic doctor near me. Along with effective therapy, they also give tips on staying better prepared for future injuries. Let’s know more about sprains and how chiropractic care deals with it.

What is a Sprained Ankle?

A sprained ankle occurs when you twist, roll, or turn your ankle in a direction that is not intended. When the injury happens, it can stretch or tear through the ligaments that help hold your ankle bones together.

Your ligaments stabilize your ankle joint and prevent abnormal movement. When the ligaments are pushed beyond the normal range of motion, the outcome is a “sprained ankle.” While every sprained ankle is different, most involve injuries to the ligaments on the exterior side of the ankle.

Understanding the injury type will make it easier to identify it when it occurs. Sprained ankles may seem insignificant but they can hurt a lot. Sometimes, it is mistaken as a break. The reason behind a sprained ankle is many different grades or levels of sprains. Once you know what it is, see a chiropractic doctor near me for easy recovery.

Types of sprains
Grade 1 Sprain (Mild):

It is a slight stretching of the ligaments and some fiber damage of the ligament, known as the fibrils. In some Grade 1 sprains, there may be a small tear and your ankle will have minor swelling.

Grade 2 Sprain (Moderate):

In a grade 2 sprain, there is a partial tearing of the ligament and not a complete tear. When the ankle joint moves in an unusual way, you may experience abnormal looseness of the joint. It will hurt to move due to swelling.

Grade 3 Sprain (Severe):

Now this is serious as it involves a complete ligament tear. There will be significant swelling in your ankle, which can make it difficult to walk.

However, sprained ankles often heal independently, much faster and better than broken bones. However, it’s essential to have a diagnosis done by the best chiropractic doctor near me.

How to Diagnose a Sprained Ankle?
  • Tenderness when touching the ankle
  • Pain when bearing weight on the affected foot
  • Swelling
  • Popping sound at the time of injury.
  • Bruising around the foot and ankle
  • Restricted range of motion and instability
  • Throbbing pain throughout the ankle

While most mild sprained ankles can be managed and treated at home, it’s wise to get a medical evaluation, especially if you experience pain that significantly impacts your movement.

A visit to a chiropractic doctor near me is a great start. The experts can examine, determine whether it’s a sprain, and even take x-rays to make sure of a potential break. The chiropractor will also recommend effective treatment to regain feeling your best.

How to heal a sprained ankle?

If your doctor confirms a sprained ankle, it’s better to start caring for your sports injury immediately. Here are a few chiropractic methods that treats a sprained ankle-

The PRICE method

This treatment method should be followed for 24-48 hours after injury and longer if the injury is more severe. PRICE stands for protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It works well for sports injuries. Here’s how-

  • Protection

It is essential to protect your injury to recover fast. Just staying off your sprained ankle will give it time to heal. You can use crutches or apply a sprint, brace to the injury and, limit the ankle and protect it.

  • Rest

Do not engage in physical activities that may cause stress to your sprain. Just like protection, rest is essential for your body to heal. Avoid running, jumping, or exercising and sit back!

  • Ice

Ice is your best friend when it comes to treating sprained ankles. It works great for pain management and reduces swelling. You can gently apply ice, a cold pack or submerge your ankle entirely in an ice bucket.

  • Compression

Wrapping your injured ankle in an elastic bandage decreases swelling. It does not offer extra stability, or protect the ankle but gives gentle compression. When you are not icing, put the wrap in the morning and remove it at bedtime.

  • Elevation

Raise your ankle higher on pillows while you’re sitting or lying down. Just make sure that your injured ankle is higher than your heart.

The Bottom Line

If you aren’t noticing any relief after a few days of your sports injury, check in with a chiropractic doctor near me for a follow-up. At Tropea Chiropractic Inc., we see a lot of athletes with sprained ankles. Our qualified chiropractors are committed to helping them during and after their injuries.

Call us at (408) 329-9604 if you have questions about sprained ankles or other sports injuries impacting your performance.

For a visit, schedule an appointment today at

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