tony tropea

Tropea Chiropractic Inc

How can chiropractors help fix herniated discs

How effective is herniated disc chiropractic

A herniated disc happens when the discs within your spine begin to wear down with age and use. Without these discs working the right way to absorb shock, you can experience much pain in your spine. While most people are not at risk of getting a herniated disc, it is not uncommon in young to middle-aged adults who overwork their bodies. Despite the pain it can cause, there are options for relief through herniated disc chiropractic care! Find out more here.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Between the spinal vertebrae lies an intervertebral disc. These discs are like cushions that help absorb and distribute shock. Without them, your spine cannot work. However, as with almost every body part, the discs wear and tear with age.

While “slipped disc” is a popular term for bulging, ruptured, or herniated discs, intervertebral discs don’t actually “slip.” The annulus fibrosus (tough outer layer) and the nucleus pulposus (soft, gelatin-like center) make your discs. When cracks happen in the disc’s outer layer, the gelatin-like material inside begins to ooze out.

The process puts pressure on the spinal cord or nerves and causes severe pain. Thus, not the entirety of the disc slips, but the small area of the crack is dislocated from its proper place.

Am I Suffering from a Herniated or Bulging Disc?

A bulging disc does not always hamper the entire perimeter of a disc. However, a quarter or half of the disc’s circumference is typically affected. Only the outer layer of tough cartilage is affected when it comes to a building disc.

However, in a herniated disc, a crack in the outer layer of cartilage lets some softer inner cartilage flow out of the disc. The ruptured disc or slipped disc is not caused by an entire disc rupturing or slipping.

How do you know if you have a bulging or herniated disc?

  • Pain Level: Herniated discs hurt more due to nerve compression.
  • Nerve Irritation: They irritate nerves intensely.
  • Inflammation: Inflammation worsens the pain.
  • Radiating Pain: Pain may spread down limbs.
  • Functional Impact: They severely limit movement.

How Does Chiropractic Care Identify Disc Herniation?

Chiropractic care for herniated discs helps relieve back pain and other related symptoms. After an initial assessment, your chiropractor can offer the best treatment option for your health condition.

Chiropractors have many different techniques to treat and relieve pain caused by herniated discs. While there are further options for surgical chiropractic care, you can benefit from nonsurgical treatments to ease back pain. Here are a few nonsurgical chiropractic techniques-

1. Flexion-distraction Technique

The flexion-distraction technique reduces the symptoms of herniated discs and offers back pain relief by reducing the pressure on the discs.

Chiropractors use a specialized table to stretch the spine and gently conduct a flexion distraction. They isolate the affected area and flex the spine with a pumping rhythm. The treatment is almost painless and allows the center of the intervertebral disc to take a central position in the disc without much pressure.

For the flexion distraction to work, you need to undergo many chiropractic care treatments alongside

  • adjunctive ultrasound
  • muscle stimulation
  • Physiotherapy
  • Supplementation
  • and at-home treatments.

Your chiropractor will check your progress throughout the entire treatment process.

2. Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulations are chiropractic adjustments conducted under anesthesia. They are often used for spinal conditions and disc problems. Luckily, the anesthesia puts the patient to sleep for only six minutes, allowing chiropractors to stretch and manipulate the area while the body relaxes. Unlike the flexion-distraction technique, spinal manipulation requires only one to three sessions.

3. Pelvic Blocking Treatments

Herniated disc symptoms can be treated using pelvic blocking techniques. Cushioned wedges placed under each side of the pelvis allow gentle exercises to draw your disc away from the nerve it may be pressing on, curing spinal pain.

Additional Treatment Options

Chiropractors suggest you take the above treatment options with additional techniques to find relief. The additional options include:

  • 3D active traction
  • Massage therapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Ultrasound-guided injections

These conservative chiropractic treatment options target herniated discs at their root cause and help manage their other painful symptoms.

The bottom line

At Tropea Chiropractic Inc., the chiropractic team, under the leadership of Dr. Tony Tropea, adheres to the highest and professional medical standards to offer superior chiropractic help for all patients. Experience unparalleled patient care for herniated disc chiropractic in a comfortable, healing atmosphere for your conditions. Schedule an appointment today!

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