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Tropea Chiropractic Inc

Auto Accident FAQs

Seek Out Our Chiropractor in Sunnyvale, CA

If you have been involved in an auto accident, it’s time to call a medical professional for help. Through these commonly asked questions provided by our experts at Tropea Chiropractic Inc. in Sunnyvale, CA, you will learn what’s hurt and how to recover. We are happy to answer the questions below.

What Are Common Symptoms?

You may not recognize symptoms immediately after an auto accident. Therefore, it keeps people from searching for a “chiropractor near me,” resulting in a more severe condition and an extended healing time. Instead, you should call our chiropractor immediately after your accident for an evaluation. Our chiropractic doctor can monitor you to ensure nothing serious occurs.

What Kinds of Injuries Can Our Chiropractor Heal?

Various injuries might occur during a car accident that chiropractic care can help you with, including headaches, whiplash, neck and back pain, and muscle strains and sprains. How long the treatment takes depends on how severe the injuries are. You will better understand what to expect regarding healing time during your first visit.

Will Our Chiropractor Help Beyond Physical Aliments?

While chiropractors are best known for treating the physical body, there is evidence that the work performed can benefit other areas, including mental and emotional well-being. For example, auto accidents often lead to stress, anxiety, and fear, even after realizing you’re safe. Treatment may alleviate some secondary issues.

Does Insurance Cover Chiropractor Visits?

Your specific insurance company can only provide the answer. In many instances, especially after an accident, your insurance will kick in and cover visits to a chiropractor’s office if that’s the way you choose to be treated. In addition, if the accident wasn’t your fault, you can get some assistance paying for a chiropractor from the other driver. However, sometimes that involves a more in-depth court proceeding. Our friendly office staff will help you through the process of your visits if it’s something you’d like to explore further.

Call for Top-Notch Chiropractic Care Now!

Our team at Tropea Chiropractic Inc. in Sunnyvale, CA, is ready to take your call and book an appointment immediately after your auto accident. If you’re in doubt, contact us and have your situation assessed by an expert. Contact us by calling (408) 329-9604. We would be happy to assist you.